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Shandong: Guidance on further promoting cleaner production and strengthening prevention and control of pollution sources

Recently, Shandong Province issued the notice on further promoting cleaner production and strengthening the prevention and control of pollution sources. The details are as follows:

Municipal ecological environment Bureaus:

Now, the guidance on further promoting cleaner production and strengthening the prevention and control of pollution sources is printed and distributed to you. Please carefully organize and implement it.

Department of ecological environment of Shandong Province

December 18, 2019

On further promoting cleaner production

Guidance on strengthening prevention and control of pollution sources

In order to further promote the clean production of the whole province, improve the efficiency of resource utilization, strengthen the prevention and control of pollution sources, and promote the green and sustainable development of economy and society, the following suggestions are put forward.

1、 General requirements

Thoroughly implementing Xi Jinping's idea of ecological civilization and firmly establishing the concept of "green water and green hills" is the concept of Jinshan Yinshan. Conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the provincial Party committee and the provincial government on the battle against pollution prevention and control, and strictly promote the clean production of key industries and enterprises in accordance with the relevant provisions of the "Clean Production Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Regulations on the promotion of cleaner production in Shandong". It is necessary to enter the technological process, strengthen process management, prevent and control the generation of pollutants from the source, achieve the goals of energy conservation, consumption reduction, pollution reduction and efficiency increase, and comprehensively promote the ecological environment protection and high-quality economic development.

2、 Main tasks

(1) Improve the system.

1. Revise local regulations on cleaner production. According to the procedures, we will promote the revision of the regulations on the promotion of cleaner production in Shandong Province, further clarify the work content, work procedures and functional division of cleaner production, straighten out the work mechanism, do a good job in linking up the top and the bottom, and lay a solid legal foundation for cleaner production in Shandong Province.

2. Prepare the implementation plan of cleaner production. According to the requirements of the ecological environment protection plan of the whole province and the "1 + 1 + 8" series of plans for the prevention and control of pollution, the implementation plan of cleaner production of the whole province is prepared, the resource consumption and pollution status of key regions and industries are analyzed, and the stage objectives, main tasks, guarantee measures and annual implementation plan of cleaner production promotion are defined. The municipal ecological environment bureaus shall, in accordance with the implementation plan for cleaner production of the whole province and in combination with the requirements and key work for the improvement of the ecological environment quality of the city, formulate the implementation plan for cleaner production of the whole city, further decompose the target tasks, clarify the division of responsibilities, refine the work measures, and conscientiously organize the implementation.

3. Introduce cleaner production system and specifications. Sort out the existing documents and system specifications related to cleaner production, revise and print a series of normative and guiding documents according to the requirements of cleaner production management and guarantee in our province, refine and clarify the work of cleaner production plan, audit and evaluation, supervision and management, technology promotion, improve the system system, make up the shortcomings of the system, effectively guide the implementation of cleaner production related work at all levels, and form Work closed loop.

4. Improve the cleaner production standard system. On the basis of the national cleaner production standard system, according to the economic development and industrial characteristics of our province, research and develop the cleaner production evaluation indicators of key industries. Organize the preparation of technical guidelines for cleaner production in key industries, specify the method content, implementation process and standard requirements of cleaner production audit by industry, provide classified technical guidance for the implementation of cleaner production audit and assessment acceptance in key industries, and effectively improve the environmental benefits of cleaner production.

(2) Strengthen supervision and management.

1. Make audit plan carefully. In accordance with the relevant provisions of the law of the people's Republic of China on the promotion of cleaner production and the regulations of Shandong Province on the promotion of cleaner production, as well as the key industries of cleaner production clearly defined in the "1 + 1 + 8" series of plans for the prevention and control of pollution in the whole province, and in combination with the industrial structure and the actual work of ecological environment protection in the region, the ecological environment departments at or above the county level shall carefully formulate the cleaner production audit plan, in accordance with the law Propose and determine the list of compulsory cleaner production audit enterprises, and make sure that they should be audited. Enterprises that use toxic and harmful raw materials for production or discharge toxic and harmful substances in production shall intensify the cleaner production audit, and the interval between the two audits shall not exceed five years. Actively promote the voluntary cleaner production audit, include the voluntary cleaner production audit in the annual cleaner production plan, study and formulate incentive measures, and improve the enthusiasm of enterprises' voluntary declaration. After the completion of the voluntary cleaner production audit, the Municipal Bureau of ecological environment shall, according to the application of the enterprise and in accordance with the relevant national and provincial regulations and standards, organize the examination and determination.

2. Implement the main responsibility of the enterprise. Enterprises are the main body to carry out cleaner production audit. We should encourage and guide enterprise managers to establish the concept of green development, and take the implementation of cleaner production as an important measure to change the development mode and improve the core competitiveness. Urge the enterprises listed in the list of compulsory cleaner production audit and voluntarily carrying out cleaner production audit to improve their initiative and sense of responsibility, incorporate cleaner production into the development plan of the enterprise, improve the organization of cleaner production, strengthen the management of cleaner production, define the target plan of cleaner production, conscientiously carry out cleaner production audit and strictly implement the cleaner production plan.

3. Strictly carry out evaluation and acceptance. Increase the strength of cleaner production audit, evaluation and acceptance, and achieve the full coverage of mandatory cleaner production audit, evaluation and acceptance in key industries in accordance with the relevant provisions of cleaner production audit measures. Improve the quality of cleaner production audit, evaluation and acceptance, select and strengthen the members of the evaluation and acceptance expert group, standardize the evaluation and acceptance procedures, strictly evaluate the acceptance standards, and conduct technical review and comprehensive evaluation on the implementation performance of cleaner production audit process and cleaner production plan of the enterprise. Enterprises that fail to pass the assessment and acceptance shall be ordered to conduct cleaner production audit again. However, enterprises are forced to improve the quality level of cleaner production audit.

4. Strengthen the whole process supervision and inspection

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